In our continued effort to make sure you are aware of all that’s happening as we work to bring your stadium to life, we wanted to update you on two things:
We have a set of common times for rock blasting that we try our best to adhere to, though sometimes things happen during a given workday that get us a bit off this schedule. When we have a large volume of trucks causing traffic along on main routes (pictured at bottom), we sometimes have trucks return to the site using the Benton Avenue entrance. This is to relieve traffic backup and for the benefit of our fellow Fairgrounds users.
See below for an update on the key activities of the week:
- Rock blasting continues
- Installation and maintenance of erosion and sediment control measures to assist with stormwater run-off continues
- Rock and soil removal, excavation and offsite hauling continue with daily street sweeping on the roads (Benton Ave, Bransford Ave and Rains Ave) near the entrances to the site. This will result in some construction truck traffic.
- Please note, however, that nearly all dirt, mud and other debris will be controlled by systems put in place at the site itself
- Bringing in equipment for earthwork activities including excavators, backhoes, dump trucks and bulldozers
- Construction trailers and project office are being set-up outside of the project fence line to the north of the stadium site
- Excavation will continue, moving to different areas within the site
- As always, please feel free to reach out to with any questions you have regarding construction.
Overall Site Logistics:

Major Trucking Routes: