Greener Goals Partners: Starting XI
Greener Goals Partners: Starting XI


At Coca-Cola Consolidated, our bottles and cans are made to be remade. We are adopting innovative ways to recover what we produce through our Refresh. Recycle. Renew. Program. That includes aspiring to make 100% of our packaging recyclable or renewably sourced and partnering with customers and communities to create circular economies by increasing the collection and reuse of packaging.


GEODIS uses seven Golden Rules to guide our responsibilities and actions. Three of our Golden Rules focus specifically on social responsibility: “Be a good citizen,” “Ensure the safety of our people everywhere and at any time,” and “Recruit, develop, and retain quality people.” GEODIS is committed to developing environmentally friendly solutions for our clients: low-carbon alternative transport, multimodal solutions, virtuous circular economy loops, etc. GEODIS does so by actively ensuring that our own and our partners' value chains and processes respect the environment, human rights, health and safety, and the best international standards.



We pride ourselves on being stewards of the land. Sustainable turf care has always been a part of our DNA, from eco-friendly hydraulics to zero emission, zero hydraulic electric turf equipment. Now we are implementing sustainable practices across our business, from operations and manufacturing to disposal practices, to be a leader in sustainable turf care and solutions. Against Textron’s Achieve 2025 goals, we have reduced our greenhouse gas emissions intensity by 34% and reduced our overall water usage by 28% against a 2019 baseline. We are looking to the future to continue making our product footprint more sustainable and create products that are better for the operator and the environment.

NSC Partners Landing Page Page  Kelsan


Nearly 30 years ago, Kelsan changed its company tagline from “Think Clean” to “Think Green”. This simple change in words was followed by action - offering EPP or Environmentally Preferred Products in nearly every category, investing in LEED certification of our chemical manufacturing arm, and partnering with select manufacturers who have created recycling programs to put used products back into the raw material pipeline. At Kelsan, we understand the significance of being responsible stewards of our planet’s natural resources, and we look forward to an even greener future.

Partners NSC Landing Page LP Building

LP Building Solutions

The LP® SmartSide® Trim & Siding portfolio features carbon-negative, lightweight primed and prefinished lines of products that can help reduce waste, providing customers with sustainable siding solutions. For LP, Building a Better World™ means manufacturing environmentally responsible products such as LP SmartSide Trim & Siding. According to recent results from a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), LP SmartSide Trim & Siding products are classified as carbon-negative exterior cladding products, which means they store more carbon in the product than is released during material sourcing, manufacturing, and customer distribution.

renasant bank logo - full color - blue wordmark


Since 2021, Renasant has provided more than $200 million in financing for green construction projects that are pursuing or have received certification under leading environmental standards, including Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) and National Green Building Standard (NGBS) certification. Our corporate headquarters is powered by solar panels which decrease our usage of fossil fuels. Solar panels offer a sustainable, renewable source of energy, which helps us reduce our carbon footprint. Solar energy allows us to get the power we need in a clean manner and helps to limit our impact on the planet. Our West Tennessee headquarters has a full green space garden on the roof, which provides shade, removes heat from the air, and reduces temperatures of the roof surface and surrounding air. Using green roofs in cities or other built environments with limited vegetation can moderate the heat island effect, particularly during the day. Renasant works hard to promote online banking and eStatements, the delivery of banking statements via email. 73% of our customers use eStatements which removes paper waste and mail delivery impact on the environment.


Tennessee Department of Transportation

Through the Tennessee Department of Transportation’s, their Nobody Trashes Tennessee campaign is committed to preserving the natural beauty of our state. Together with our partners, we support sustainability initiatives through our litter grant program, empowering communities to take action and keep our state clean. Additionally, we raise awareness about litter's impact on Tennessee's ecosystem and its wildlife, advocating for responsible disposal practices and encouraging cleanups throughout the state. Our efforts extend to promoting recycling and striving to foster a culture of accountability and respect for our environment. To learn more about how you can be part of the solution to end littering in Tennessee, go to

Urban Green Lab Grrener Goals Partner

Urban Green Lab

Urban Green Lab is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that exists to teach communities how to live sustainably in Nashville, TN, and its surrounding counties. We organize teams, train them on making sustainable choices, and connect people with services and peers to walk with on their sustainability journey. We envision a Nashville where everyone has access to opportunities to learn about sustainable living. This is accomplished through programs in our three divisions, Classrooms, Households, and Workplaces, as well as our two special initiatives: The Nashville Environmental Justice Initiative and the Nashville Food Waste Initiative.

WM Greener Goals partner 2024

Waste Management

WM is reinventing what's possible to enable a more sustainable world. Leveraging our infrastructure, innovation, and expertise, we're centering our sustainability vision for the future around three core ambitions: material is repurposed, energy is renewable, and communities are thriving.



Our commitment to sustainability has been embedded into our business practices for over two decades and is rooted in our purpose that ‘through sport, we have the power to change lives.’ To underline this commitment we have further sharpened our focus on sustainability and defined a roadmap for 2025 and beyond that allows us to create – and drive – positive impact.