Welcome to the first weekly construction update! We are so excited to be able to share our first progress report with you.
We are committed to being a valued neighbor, and you can count on us keeping you up-to-date on everything we’re doing moving forward.
Please know that you can reach out to info@NashvilleSCstadium.com with any questions or concerns you have regarding construction. Just shoot an email our and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Here are the key activities we wanted to share with you about this week.
Ongoing Weekly Activities:
- Workers will be installing fencing around the project area (see site logistics below for fence layout)
- Several proactive measures to help assist with stormwater run-off will begin:
- Installation and maintenance of erosion and sediment control measures
- Excavation of erosion control sediment pond at the southeast corner of the site
- We will be bringing in equipment for earthwork activities including excavators, backhoes, dump trucks and bulldozers
- Crews will be clearing along south and west property lines of the site
Upcoming Activities:
- Earthwork will begin with rock, soil removal and excavation, including some construction truck traffic (see trucking routes below)
- Construction trailers and project office will be delivered and set-up outside of the project fence line to the north of the stadium site.
Check out these great shots of the progress so far!

Overall site logistics

Major trucking routes