The Soundwaves Gallery: Voices of Nashville is a one-of-a-kind exhibition curated by Nashville Soccer Club in partnership with the Arts & Business Council of Greater Nashville celebrating the intersection of sport and art to showcase the dynamic city Nashville SC calls home. The inaugural exhibition includes 48 works by 29 Middle Tennessee artists. Ranging in age from their 20s to 60s, selected artists hail from a variety of communities in 21 different ZIP codes across Davidson and adjoining counties. Artists were selected from a public call for art centered around personal narratives about what it means to be a Nashvillian, accompanied by work representing those unique perspectives. The art is as diverse as its local creators in form, medium, and genre. Together, the group of artists compose a collective chorus exploring who we’ve been, who we are, and who we dream to be.
Soundwaves Gallery Artist Highlight: DaShawn Lewis

The Art
The Push
12” x 18”
Working together purposefully creates a greater force than if we worked separately. One person can make a difference, but unity will allow for a greater impact to be made.

The Artist
DaShawn Lewis is a self-taught photographer whose work focuses on the preservation of memories and youth arts. Born and raised in Nashville, TN, DaShawn has been drawn towards photography since childhood. Building community, making connections, and storytelling are components that he considers when making photographs. DaShawn does what he likes to call “Life Photography”. Life photography aims to document real-life events, people, or scenery in the most authentic way possible. The primary goal is to show the importance of everyday life and everyday people.
His love for disposable cameras as a kid has turned into a passion that he now shares with local Nashville youth. Within the past few years, DaShawn and several of his creative friends have helped coordinate workshops and exhibits with the Edgehill Brighter Days Program in South Nashville. The group shares their passions in hopes that they will make long lasting impressions on the youth that can be built upon. Presence, access, and opportunity are important components of youth development.
DaShawn Lewis’ work has been featured at the Memphis College of Art, Frist Art Museum, NKA Gallery, Scarritt Bennett Center, Hiram Van Gordon Gallery at TSU, and in the Nashville Scene. Through his community outreach, DaShawn has been able to connect and collaborate with several local artists which is important to building a stronger arts community in Nashville.
Click here to view The Push and other Soundwaves Gallery pieces.